The Celo community forum shows that the digital asset management platform Safe (formerly Gnosis Safe) officially supports the Celo mainnet natively. All existing functions on Safe’s forked version Celo Safe will continue to run on Safe Global, and Celo Safe users can continue to use Safe The {wallet} application manages the safe. However, not all safes created on Celo Safe are compatible with the latest features available through the official Safe {wallet} app, users can create new safes on the Safe Global website. In addition, Safe does not intend to stop the forked version of Celo Safe, because Celo Safe supports both the Celo main network and the Alfajores test network, and Safe Global only supports the Celo main network, but not the Alfajores test network. Therefore, Safe recommends using Safe Global on the mainnet, and using Safe Celo on the Alfajores testnet.