ETHShanghai 2023, hosted by Mask Network, will be held from June 25th to June 30th. The event will be divided into two parts: hackathon (25th-29th) and main venue activities (29th-30th). This year's developer summit will focus on the ecology of Ethereum's open source technology, focusing on the underlying infrastructure of blockchain technology, decentralized storage, on-chain data processing, Layer 2, zero-knowledge proof technology, DID, developer tools, and Web3 and AI Combining with many technical topics, such as Web3 digital economy, the future of decentralized social networking and Asian Web3 developers, etc. are discussed. The ETHShanghai 2023 is led by Mask Network, and its members include THUBA Tsinghua Blockchain Association, ChainIDE and Moonshot Common workshop, and the pre-registration is now open.