Odaily Planet Daily News Hong Kong-listed company Victory Securities previously launched a virtual asset trading application VICSEC and launched it on the Android system. The App is now available on the Apple Store. Investors can download through App Store, Google Play or APK. It is worth noting that the bank's current virtual asset trading services are only for professional investors. (Dongwang)
In previous news, Chen Peiquan, executive director of Victory Securities, said that it is expected that the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission will soon announce guidelines on securities firms’ opening of retail investors to buy and sell virtual assets. According to the expected progress, Victory Securities may open retail virtual asset transactions in the fourth quarter of 2023.
Chen Peiquan said that at present, Victory Securities has connected to the licensed exchange OSL, and the currencies that customers can buy and sell through Victory Securities will be determined according to the currencies listed on the exchange. Currently, about 5% of its professional investor clients invest in virtual assets, including Hong Kong listed companies.