Odaily Planet Daily reported that Galaxy Managing Director Chris Rhine said at the Singapore Token2049 "Institutionalization of Digital Assets" theme roundtable session: "In more developed regions, the traditional financial sector will not only seek efficiency. It may start from the least liquid asset classes. To start with. Because you don’t move a liquid asset class into an illiquid market space, and currently tokenized market spaces are illiquid because there really aren’t many transactions in the market; but tokenizing a very illiquid asset There is no harm in optimizing because you are not sacrificing liquidity.
As we continue to build and grow the market, I think the traditional financial world will see that there is a streamlined process, there is efficiency improvement, there is a growing market that provides 24/7 functionality. So it takes time. There have been some predictions about the size of the tokenization market. This can be a technology adoption curve that progresses slowly and then all of a sudden starts to boom rapidly. "