Conversation with Sei Lianchuang: With Ethereum, does the existence of Sei still make sense?
Sei, Layer1, ETH, conversation with Sei Lianchuang: Ethereum won the L1 battle. Is the existence of Sei still meaningful? Golden Finance, Sei’s Endgame

Sei, Layer1, ETH, conversation with Sei Lianchuang: Ethereum won the L1 battle. Is the existence of Sei still meaningful? Golden Finance, Sei’s Endgame
The Bitcoin mining industry earns approximately $70 million a day. If in 2009 it was possible to mine BTC using ...
The study reveals that blockchain technology is well-positioned to take over more than 50% of the entire leasing and sale process across commercial real estate.
“It's a vision that has been, I think, forgotten a little bit and I think one of the reasons why it has been forgotten is basically because it got priced out of the market,” Vitalik Buterin said.
While Bitcoin payments can be processed quite easily by businesses these days there are still some tangible issues that need to be ironed out.
Bitcoin S2F model gained a lot of popularity during the peak of the bull run, and even though there was criticism, most of it was ignored as the price seemed to follow the chart.
In a Davos interview, Codex's Alex Gordon-Brander talked about the Ethereum launch, Codex’ liquidity specialties, and solving real-world problems with crypto.
Decentralized finance is a revolutionary movement with aims to cut intermediaries and the expensive taxes that comes with making transactions. ...
The Decentralised Exchange (DEX) is the most secure way of trading or investing in cryptocurrencies. Being completely decentralised, you have ...
Bored Ape creator Yuga’s Otherdeed launch was the largest NFT mint ever, but are metaverse communities turning into gated communities?