According to Yahoo News, female retail investors in Sweden's equities market have outperformed their male counterparts this year, as per data compiled by Euroclear Sweden. In the first three quarters of 2023, women's portfolios increased in value by 1.9%, while men's portfolios dropped by 2%. This marks the first significant divergence in results since Euroclear began collecting the data in 2016.
Annelie Lindahl, Chief Business Officer Issuers at Euroclear Sweden, attributes the success of female investors to their strategy of investing in large-cap companies. In contrast, men's investments are spread across companies on several lists. Among the 100 firms with the most investors, gaming company Starbreeze AB, electrical equipment producer Plejd AB, and serial acquirer Storskogen Group had the highest concentration of male investors. On the other hand, companies with the largest relative female ownership included retailer H&M Hennes & Mauritz AB, consultancy firm Sweco AB, and packaging producer Billerud Aktiebolag.