Bitcoin Miner Wallet Wakes Up After 15 Years of Sleep — Is It Satoshi Nakamoto?
Five wallets of miners who received block rewards weeks after Bitcoin’s launch have begun moving their BTC.

Five wallets of miners who received block rewards weeks after Bitcoin’s launch have begun moving their BTC.
The removal of its iOS and Chrome Extension wallets from the market is scheduled for November 1, 2023, although customers will still be able to access their wallets until October 1.
Dr. Craig Steven Wright, who asserts to be the Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto, will present his case in a UK court.
The Indian exchange assured its customers that its funds are stored in multi-signature wallets that adhere to industry-leading standards.
Lataro Island is being converted to a crypto haven and renamed Satoshi Island.
Craig Wright, the Bitcoin Satoshi Vision creator, will receive the outcome of his trial against Hodlonaut on Nov. 9, 2022.
The top two cryptocurrencies have remained strict competitors for each other. Bitcoin and Ethereum have always been at the neck of each other.
Did a fake Satoshi infiltrate traditional finance and even find their way into an SEC meeting?
Closing statements on behalf of the Twitter user suggests the case could hinge on vagaries of Norwegian defamation law as much as BTC founder's identity.
Blockchains use consensus algorithms to choose who gets to verify transactions on the network — what are the differences between the two?