According to PANews, OpenAI announced the launch of its new flagship artificial intelligence model, GPT-4o, during a live event on Monday. This model is an updated version of its GPT-4 model. It is trained on a large amount of data from the internet and is more adept at handling text and audio. It also supports 50 languages. The new model will be available to all users, not just those who pay.
GPT-4o is twice as fast as GPT-4 Turbo, with a rate limit that is five times higher, reaching up to 10 million tokens per minute. Additionally, it is half the price. Muri Murati, the Chief Technology Officer of OpenAI, stated at the launch that reasoning through speech, text, and visuals is crucial as they are exploring the future of interacting with machines.
In addition to this, ChatGPT has also released a desktop version and a new UI interface. According to the official announcement, it is currently only available for macOS, with a Windows version set to be released later this year.