万字深挖:Maple 到底是什么?

Frax Finance: Stablecoin hedging inflation, supporting a stable digital currency ecosystem.
在6月28日的声明中,枫叶团队表示,他们将在某些情况下承担平台上的借贷者角色。使用其自身的信贷审核专业知识,将会从机构配置者提供资金给有信用的借款者。这意味着,如果潜在的借款者不能从其他提供者那里获得贷款,那么他们可能可以通过枫叶直贷计划从枫叶那里获得贷款。枫叶团队表示,这个新计划是必要的,因为主要的Web3借贷者已经“退出了这个领域”,而传统的借贷者如银行“没有必要的专注度或专业知识来对Web3技术公司的创新群体进行审核”。团队表示,他们将在7月份的某个时候推出第一个直接借贷池,专注于“基础设施、资产管理、流动性提供商”的借款。团队邀请了资本配置者通过该计划赚取收益,并表示该计划适合“寻求投资回报的虚拟货币基金、DAO、风投、高净值个人、收益聚合器、家族办公室”。声明还表示,枫叶将“继续扩大其现有服务”,这意味着枫叶直贷不会取代目前具有竞争性的借贷者的平台。枫叶金融的借贷者在11月份FTX和Alameda Research宣告破产后遭受重创。借款人Aurus Global因为这些事件的影响而错过了其中一个付款,枫叶也与借款人Orthogonal Trading断绝了关系,因为他们认为有误导。但该平台很快就反弹回来,在12月推出了其2.0版的软件。「Cointelegraph翻译・編辑」
According to Lodestar, the attacker manipulated the price of the plvGLP token before using the inflated token to borrow all of the platform’s liquidity.
Majority of the DeFi tokens in the top-100 traded in green along with rest of the market in the wake of new CPI data release and several tokens registered doubled digit gains.
With liquidity drying up in the wake of CeFi contagion, borrowers are turning to decentralized finance for their credit needs.
Decentralized finance is a revolutionary movement with aims to cut intermediaries and the expensive taxes that comes with making transactions. ...
The Decentralised Exchange (DEX) is the most secure way of trading or investing in cryptocurrencies. Being completely decentralised, you have ...
The address associated with the hack has managed to steal 206,809 BNB from Qubit’s QBridge protocol.
After expanding beyond Ethereum to Solana, Maple Finance expects its Solana app to control $300 million worth of liquidity by the end of 2022.