Bitcoin’s “Catch-21”
Only those who have a stronger belief in BTC during the decline are eligible to hold discounted BTC.

Only those who have a stronger belief in BTC during the decline are eligible to hold discounted BTC.
Golden Finance launches the 2268th issue of the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry morning report "Golden Morning 8:00" to provide you with the latest and fastest digital currency and blockchain industry news.
Digital assets deposited in Celsius Network’s Earn program belong to the bankrupt company’s estate and not individual users.
The second crypto-asset consultation by the Basel Committee for Banking Supervision closed at the end of September and it...
Popular BTM operator, Bitcoin of America, is changing the way we think about the cryptocurrency industry. Bitcoin of America is ...
J. Matthew DeLesDernier, assistant secretary for the SEC, said it had extended to allow for “sufficient time to consider the proposed rule change and the issues raised therein.”
Bank of America launched crypto custody for institutional investors in October as part of a partnership with New York-based Digital Investment Group.
Buying bitcoins is becoming a way in El Salvador to celebrate different occasions or play around with meaningful numbers.
The regulator said it would be appropriate to “specify a longer period” of approval or disapproval of the proposed bitcoin ETF.