How many cryptocurrencies have died in the blink of an eye?
Over 50% of cryptocurrencies have died. Since 2014, 14,039 of the more than 24,000 cryptocurrencies listed on CoinGecko have died.

Over 50% of cryptocurrencies have died. Since 2014, 14,039 of the more than 24,000 cryptocurrencies listed on CoinGecko have died.
Check out important crypto news from the last 24 hours.
Nike filed three trademark applications for its .SWOOSH Web3 platform launched on the same day, including the ‘dotSwoosh’ name and logo.
It will allow Nike Members to learn about, collect and eventually help co-create virtual creations.
The Bitcoin white paper is only 9 pages long, but it contains enough to change the world. Here's how it came to be 13 years ago.
The new RTFKT acquisition confirms Nike's interest in becoming a prominent contributor to the Metaverse virtual world.