Telegram founder Pavel Durov announced that Telegram and TON Core have launched a new competition for developers with prizes of up to $200,000, and this is just the first round of the competition. Excellent participants will be able to join the Telegram team or the TON Core team, and their competition code can also be used to improve the TON blockchain. Details are as follows:
Deadline: February 4, 23:59 (Dubai time)
Task: Blockchain verification (C++ code optimization) and/or Trustless Bridge (participants can choose one or both).
Prize distribution
The total prize of up to $200,000 will be distributed according to the overall contribution of each participant. The winner will also have the opportunity to participate in the second stage of the competition, which will have a separate similar prize.
Other opportunities
The winner has the opportunity to join the Telegram or TON Core team, or get support to launch a real TVM sidechain for TON. The best optimization solution may also be used to enhance the TON main network.