Odaily Planet Daily News Placeholder's partner said when discussing the current crypto market sentiment that although market sentiment is low and many people choose to give up because of fear, this is an opportunity for investors. He emphasized that in the history of cryptocurrency, every time at the bottom, there will be people predicting that the price will continue to fall, and at the time of forking, there will be people who worry about the collapse of the chain. At this time, the market faces a challenge, but staying calm and patient is the key to coping.
He believes that the current is a mid-term correction in the bull market, not the peak of the cycle, and the correction of Bitcoin will not change this view. He suggested that selling at present is not a good choice, because it may make you miss opportunities during the rise. If there is surplus funds, you can increase your holdings appropriately when the market becomes attractive.
He also mentioned that although the stock market may still fluctuate, Bitcoin and crypto assets, as "war horses" in the financial market, will be most directly affected by policies. Therefore, don't exit the market because of fear, or try to make too smart decisions, otherwise you may miss opportunities when the market rebounds.
Finally, he believes that this is an exciting time for blockchain, which is gradually gaining international recognition, and many strong teams are promoting the in-depth development of this technology.