Odaily Planet Daily News The Russian-backed hacker group "Dark Storm" claimed responsibility for the recent distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack that caused a large-scale outage on the X platform. According to information released by the cybersecurity organization SpyoSecure on the X platform on March 10, Dark Storm claimed to have carried out the attack in its Telegram channel. The channel was subsequently deleted for violating the platform's terms of service. Social media person Ed Krassenstein also said that he had contacted the leader of Dark Storm, who confirmed the statement and said that the attack was intended to demonstrate its strength and had no political motives. Elon Musk, the owner of the X platform, confirmed that the platform suffered a cyber attack on March 10, and some users were unable to access it, but the user function was quickly restored. In an interview with Fox Business Channel, he said that the attack originated from an IP address in the Ukrainian region. In addition, Tesla's recent stock price decline may be related to protests caused by the spending cuts of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) led by Musk.