Odaily Planet Daily News: Trader Eugene said in the Telegram group that the current market has entered the fifth stage in the figure (long losses, coin price consolidation, shrinking trading volume and volatility). At this stage, some stronger altcoins have reached the bottom, but it is still uncertain whether the global bottom of most assets has arrived.
Eugene explained that this stage is the stage in which he participates the least, mainly because the volatility is very small whether it goes up or down. I will only try to pick one or two targets that I think are more defensive than ordinary altcoins, hoping that they can perform better if I make a mistake in my bearish judgment, but that's all.
The tricky thing about the fifth stage is that it can last for any length of time. In my opinion, given the lack of structural damage (no company or project has closed down), I don't think we will stay in this stage for as long as the previous cycle, but this is just my guess. Cryptocurrency may still follow the stock market for some time.