Coinlive reporting at the “Discussing the Future of Digital Assets in a Turbulent Industry” event in Singapore. Coinlive, Beosin, and FOMO Pay play host to this event with the first keynote speech by Dr. Yu Jianing, President of Huobi University. He shares his opinion on the topic “Digital Asset Outlook: Cycles and Trends”. He touches on the golden age of Web3 and metaverse: Web1 is the first curve, Web2 is the second curve, whereas Web3 is a new second curve which is the golden age. Also, he lists down the seven elements of metaverse application, such as digital space and digital buildings, VR/AR and immersive experience, meta-human (digital human), NFT and digital collection, digital identity and avatar, CBDC and DeFi, and digital twins. The trend of digital asset is the future because he has seen, for example, how mobile payment has changed the industry (i.e. Ali Pay) since it incorporates the three flow in one: information, financial, materials. He expresses that for him, the trend in digital asset is really positive, in addition, after the crash of FTX, he believes that we can put more trust in decentralisation.