Is Telegram really an encrypted app?
Using criminal charges to coerce social media companies is a rather worrying escalation in the fact that things appear not to be as simple as they seem.

Using criminal charges to coerce social media companies is a rather worrying escalation in the fact that things appear not to be as simple as they seem.
Telegram, the leading cryptocurrency messaging platform, is on its way to 1 billion active users.
Telegram solves three core problems that have held back cryptocurrency.
The approval of the Ethereum ETF is a milestone event in the cryptocurrency market. 3EX AI trading helps to make crypto trading intelligent. Crypto traders can use the power of AI to achieve a better investment experience and richer returns.
Golden Picture, Notcoin, Learn about the viral game Notcoin (NOT) on Telegram Golden Finance, Will Notcoin become a meme coin choice that breaks the circle?
Backed by Telegram, the public chain TON, which has close to 900 million monthly active users, stands out from the battle among hundreds of chains because of its inextricable connection with Telegram.
Taiwanese YouTubers, Leila Couple and Joeman, were reported to have been arrested by the police on suspicion of using and possessing marijuana.
Much like most scams, including the one that compromised Etheruem founder Vitalik Buterin's account, it aimed to create a sense of urgency among SHIB enthusiasts by claiming that the alleged airdrop had limited availability.
One of the companies hopping on the metaverse train is ACS Laboratory, the largest hemp and cannabis testing facility in the eastern United States.
Cannabis and crypto go a long way. They share the same "high" and miseries. Still a taboo in many countries, ...