Golden Web3.0 Daily | Bitcoin payment app Strike launched in the UK
Golden Finance launches Golden Web3.0 Daily to provide you with the latest and fastest news on games, DeFi, DAO, NFT and Metaverse industries.

Golden Finance launches Golden Web3.0 Daily to provide you with the latest and fastest news on games, DeFi, DAO, NFT and Metaverse industries.
The world’s largest futures exchange, CME, plans to launch Bitcoin trading and has been in discussions with market participants.
Since the birth of cryptocurrency, characteristics such as "decentralization" and large price fluctuations have created convenience for organized criminals to transfer assets.
Bitcoin surges past $60,000, poised for new highs. Analysts advise holding for targets up to $150,000. Minimal resistance seen, 99% holders profitable. Exercise caution amid volatility.
If we assume the “worst case scenario” and the SEC rejects a spot Bitcoin ETF, the financial giants who submitted the application likely have another option: Hong Kong.
Bitcoin's recent volatility decline, altcoins following, with notable price movements including Avalanche's drop and BTC's stable dominance.
Galaxy Digital首席执行官Mike Novogratz表示,现在是买入比特币的最佳时刻,他称原油市场已经证明经济衰退到来,鲍威尔应该立刻降息。
本周迄今市值最大的数字货币比特币已上涨约12%,有望创下2021年10月以来的最佳单周表现。其他代币也有所上涨,100种最大代币的指数涨幅超过10%。一些加密货币相关公司的股价涨幅更大,比特币矿商Marathon Digital本周涨幅超过60%。对于比特币说,这是新的一年的一个充满希望的开端,比特币在2022年创下了有记录以来第二差的年度表现,损失了60%以上。此次反弹重新点燃了投资者的希望.