Source: Liu Jiaolian
ExplanationBitcoin is simple:
You work hard and make money.
You trade a large part of your life for a paycheck.
Meanwhile, the government can double the money supply with the click of a mouse.
This is the harsh reality: If you hold cash in the bank, your time is being stolen as the government destroys your purchasing power.
Thus, your only option is to invest in assets to avoid being devalued by the government.
If you invest wisely, you can beat inflation and live a better life.
But what is the best way to invest this money for a better future?
People save money in houses, bonds, stocks, and even art.
But they all have shortcomings.
None of them are tools for “savings,” so each has their own imperfections.
- A house is fixed in a place, has maintenance and insurance costs, and often requires debt to "own".
- The supply of government debt (bonds) is unlimited, and over time government spending spirals out of control, losing purchasing power.
- The life of a company is limited and the operational risks are huge. They can also create assets out of thin air.
- Artwork is irreplaceable. To sell art, you need to find a buyer who wants your specific art and is willing to pay your price.
Bitcoin is a new savings technology that solves the problem of how to store wealth.
It is designed to be an ideal form of property to be held for the long term, increasing your purchasing power over time.
It is limited.
It is backed by energy.
It will not decay like a building.
It can be bought and sold in small quantities.
You can hold it for decades without paying anything.
Can be taken with you.
It has nothing to do with the fate of any one country or industry.
And over the past decade, it has been the best-performing asset.
It’s simple: People who choose Bitcoin as their primary savings vehicle continue to see significant increases in purchasing power over time.
Now, the world’s largest asset managers are also adopting Bitcoin.
This means the risk-reward ratio has never been higher.
Now that it has been approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the risk has been significantly reduced and is being promoted as a retirement investment for BlackRock and Fidelity clients In combination.
Buying when a new wave of capital has just begun to arrive, the returns are obvious.
In short, it is still too early.
And, since Bitcoin is the best savings technology known to man, it will always be a great place to store profits from your hard work.
In a nutshell: For Bitcoin holders, life will become increasingly cheaper, and for those who choose to use other assets to store value Life will become more and more expensive for people.
So, choose your deposit method wisely.
The performance of major assets since governments began to wildly devalue their currencies in 2020: