In the realm of artificial intelligence, a groundbreaking alliance emerges to challenge Big Tech's reign: the Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) Alliance. SingularityNet, FetchAI, and Ocean Protocol join forces in a $7.6 billion merger aimed at democratizing AI access.
ASI Alliance Launched:, Ocean Protocol, and SingularityNET Merge to Create a Unified Decentralized AI Network
The merger combines SingularityNet's AI marketplace, Fetch.AI's decentralized AI platform, and Ocean Protocol's data exchange, forming the ASI Alliance.
Under the ASI token, Fetch.AI's FET, Ocean Protocol's OCEAN, and SingularityNet's AGIX tokens merge into one, facilitating a unified decentralized AI network with a total supply of 2.63055 billion tokens.
The ASI alliance aims to challenge the dominance of large tech companies by creating an open artificial intelligence infrastructure
Ben Goertzel, CEO of SingularityNet, along with Humayun Sheikh, co-founder of Fetch.AI, and Bruce Pon, CEO of Ocean Protocol, spearhead the ASI Alliance, aiming for collaboration within a shared tokenomic ecosystem.
The ASI Alliance aims to counter Big Tech's dominance by creating an open AI infrastructure. This initiative fosters global competition and coordination among AI entities, promoting innovation and inclusivity.
Ocean Protocol CEO Sees Vertical Integration of Disruptive Tech Through Merger, Driving AGI Research, Applications, and Commercialization
Ocean Protocol's CEO foresees the merger enabling a vertically integrated stack of decentralized technologies, propelling R&D, applications, and commercialization of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
OCEAN token surges 36% following the merger announcement, reflecting market enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Tether Operations Limited also enters the AI arena, indicating a diversifying landscape.
The ASI Alliance signifies a pivotal moment for crypto and AI industries, challenging Big Tech's hegemony and fostering a more accessible and collaborative AI landscape.