A chart showing the 15 Bitcoin addresses with the highest balances
The world’s largest Bitcoin address dates back to October 2018, with a balance of 0.1 BTC (worth $660 at the time).

The world’s largest Bitcoin address dates back to October 2018, with a balance of 0.1 BTC (worth $660 at the time).
AOVM is an AI layer protocol built on top of @aoTheComputer, combining AO's hyper-parallelism with AI large models.
In the core mechanism of Arweave, there is a very important concept and component, which is the storage fund Endowment.
As a product of its times, Dogecoin has its own set of problems. DogeLayer is here to fix just that.
Nothing quite as scary as as innocent NFT holders unknowingly acquiring "money laundering tools.", and Tte platform's forensics data-driven approach protects holders from exactly that.
To understand the content and imagination of Taproot's upgrade, we must first understand some bitcoins.