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Tentang MVP

Microverse (MVP) adalah mata uang kripto yang diluncurkan pada 2021. MVP memiliki persediaan saat ini sebesar 510.00M dengan 0 yang beredar. Harga MVP terakhir yang diketahui adalah 0 USD dan 0 selama 24 jam terakhir. Saat ini diperdagangkan di pasar aktif dengan $0 diperdagangkan selama 24 jam terakhir. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat ditemukan di

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Media Sosial

MVP Statistik Harga
MVP Harga Hari Ini
Perubahan Harga 24 jam
Volume 24 jam
Rendah 24 jam / Tinggi 24 jam
$0 / $0
Volume / Kap Pasar
Dominasi Pasar
Peringkat pasar
MVP Kapitalisasi Pasar
Kapitalisasi Pasar
Kapitalisasi Pasar Terdilusi Penuh
MVP Riwayat Harga
7d Rendah / Tinggi 7d
$0 / $0
Tertinggi Sepanjang Masa
Terendah sepanjang masa
MVP Pasokan
Pasokan yang Beredar
Jumlah Pasokan
Pasokan Maks
Diperbarui Mei 09, 2024 11:27 siang
MCap $0
Tidak ada apa-apa di sini.
Top 10 Laws and Principles in Technology and Their Applications
Top 10 Laws and Principles in Technology and Their Applications
According to PANews, there are several laws and principles that have emerged in the technology industry, which can be applied to various aspects of product development and team management. Here are the top 10 laws and principles and how to use them: 1) Gall's Law: An effective complex system always evolves from an effective simple system. Use this law when designing a minimum viable product (MVP). 2) The Pareto Principle: About 80% of effective results come from 20% of key efforts. Use this principle when designing an MVP. 3) Parkinson's Law: Work expands to fill the time or budget allocated for its completion. Use this law to set sufficiently distant deadlines, but not too far. 4) Goodhart's Law: When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. Use this law when building systems aimed at completing difficult tasks, such as public product fundraising or resisting fake identities. 5) Brooks' Law: Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later. Use this law to maintain smaller team sizes. 6) Moore's Law: The number of transistors on a chip doubles approximately every two years while their cost halves. Use this law to ride the wave of organic growth in the technology sector and create huge returns. 7) Metcalfe's Law: The value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users (n^2). Use this law to build for exponential value creation. 8) Dunbar's Number: There is a cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships. Use this law to maintain smaller team sizes unless necessary, and pay attention to the optimal trust patterns at each level when expanding teams. 9) The Unix Philosophy: 1) Make each program do one thing well, 2) Make each program's output the input of another program, 3) Write programs to work together. Use this philosophy to build modular software. 10) Conway's Law: The systems designed by an organization will reflect its own communication structure. Use this law to design your organization similarly to software development, and be aware that the overall structure cannot scale indefinitely.
Feb 21, 2024 7:04 malam
Aave Community Votes to Deploy V3 MVP on Neon EVM Mainnet
Aave Community Votes to Deploy V3 MVP on Neon EVM Mainnet
According to Coincu, the Aave community has voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Temperature Check proposal, which paves the way for the deployment of Aave V3 MVP on the Neon EVM mainnet. The unanimous decision highlights the collective enthusiasm within the Aave community for this transformative initiative. The primary objective of the proposal is to expand Aave's reach to previously untapped users, liquidity sources, diverse communities, and integrate seamlessly with the flourishing Solana ecosystem. This strategic endeavor aligns with Aave's commitment to fostering inclusivity and broadening its impact on the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape. The proposal outlines a comprehensive approach to achieve these ambitious goals. Initially, the adoption of three collateral types — SOL, mSOL, and jitoSOL — is proposed, each strategically chosen to fortify Aave's position within the Solana ecosystem. Additionally, the proposal advocates for the inclusion of USDC as a loanable asset, enhancing the platform's versatility and utility. The decision to embrace Solana's native assets reflects Aave's forward-looking strategy, tapping into the vibrant and rapidly growing ecosystem that Solana has become. This integration not only provides Aave users with access to a broader spectrum of assets but also positions the platform at the forefront of decentralized finance innovations. As the Aave V3 MVP sets its sights on the Neon EVM mainnet, the DeFi community eagerly anticipates the ripple effect this move could have on Aave's user base, liquidity pool, and collaborative networks. The successful passage of the Temperature Check proposal stands as a testament to the Aave community's commitment to driving innovation and inclusivity within the decentralized financial landscape.
Jan 23, 2024 1:16 pagi

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  • Apa harga tertinggi sepanjang masa dari Microverse (MVP)?

    (MVP) mencapai harga tertinggi sebesar 0 USD pada 1970-01-01, dari mana koin ini sekarang turun 0%. Harga tertinggi sepanjang masa dari Microverse (MVP) adalah 0. Harga saat ini dari MVP turun 0% dari harga tertingginya.

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  • Berapa Microverse (MVP) yang beredar saat ini?

    Per 2024-05-09, saat ini ada 0 MVP yang beredar. MVP memiliki pasokan maksimum sebanyak 1.00Bn.

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  • Berapa kapitalisasi pasar Microverse (MVP)?

    Kapitalisasi pasar saat ini dari MVP adalah 0. Ini dihitung dengan mengalikan pasokan MVP saat ini dengan harga pasar waktu nyata 0.

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  • Berapa harga terendah sepanjang masa dari Microverse (MVP)?

    (MVP) mencapai harga terendah sebesar 0 , dari mana koin ini sekarang naik 0%. Harga terendah sepanjang masa dari Microverse (MVP) adalah 0. Harga saat ini dari MVP naik 0% dari harga terendahnya.

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  • Apakah Microverse (MVP) merupakan investasi yang bagus?

    Microverse (MVP) memiliki kapitalisasi pasar sebesar $0 dan berada di peringkat #6313 di CoinMarketCap. Pasar mata uang kripto bisa sangat fluktuatif, jadi pastikan untuk melakukan riset sendiri (DYOR) dan menilai toleransi risiko Anda. Selain itu, analisis tren dan pola harga Microverse (MVP) untuk menemukan waktu terbaik untuk membeli MVP.

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