AVM,详解AVM:基于模拟虚拟机上的比特币智能合约 金色财经,介绍AVM是什么,它的工作原理和未来发展

AVM,详解AVM:基于模拟虚拟机上的比特币智能合约 金色财经,介绍AVM是什么,它的工作原理和未来发展
最早接触中本聪、参与BTC的密码学家Hal Finney曾早在2009年就曾估计,BTC最终或将达到1000万美刀。
项目,NOTE 首个实用的原生比特币智能合约协议 金色财经,NOTE协议标志着比特币历史上的一项重大进展。
Cryptocurrency enthusiasts have been intrigued by the realm of Bitcoin Ordinals and BRC-20 (Bitcoin Request for Comment 20) Tokens, experiencing a notable transformation in the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Altcoins, led by Solana, XRP, and Dogecoin, have surpassed Bitcoin in open interest, marking a significant shift in the derivative market. Altcoins now command 41% of the market's open interest, totaling $12.22 billion, while Bitcoin's dominance has decreased to 39%. Ethereum also trails behind, despite increased funds in its futures market. The altcoin market, with a 66% volume dominance, is reshaping investor portfolios, showcasing a paradigm shift in cryptocurrency dynamics.
BitVM, yang diperkenalkan oleh ZeroSync, bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kontrak pintar Bitcoin, membuatnya lebih ekspresif dan mampu tanpa memerlukan peningkatan konsensus