激进 or 稳定?一文盘点 BRC-20 升级争议风波

UniSat's decision to follow the Ordinals Jubilee upgrade and release a white paper on January 31 marks a significant step in the blockchain realm, balancing innovation with community interests and protocol integrity.
Cryptocurrency enthusiasts have been intrigued by the realm of Bitcoin Ordinals and BRC-20 (Bitcoin Request for Comment 20) Tokens, experiencing a notable transformation in the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Bitcoin 生态系统近期回暖的趋势会持久吗,还是仅仅昙花一现?
Made as a memecoin, there is no immediate utility for the token, which makes its rise, together with other more familiar memecoins like DOGE and PEPE, particularly interesting.
Platform pinjaman Crypto Celsius Network telah mengajukan kebangkrutan pada 13 Juli. Sebulan sebelumnya, pemberi pinjaman crypto ...