Polymarket Traders Predict 25 Basis Point Cut in Upcoming Fed Rate Decision
Traders on Polymarket overwhelmingly bet on a 25 basis point Fed rate cut amid declining inflation and economic concerns.

Traders on Polymarket overwhelmingly bet on a 25 basis point Fed rate cut amid declining inflation and economic concerns.
Donald Trump's odds of winning the November election have surged to 53% on Polymarket, reversing a previous dip. His recent support for cryptocurrencies is resonating with crypto investors, giving him a lead over Kamala Harris among this demographic.
Donald Trump’s chances of winning the 2024 election have increased on Polymarket, while Kamala Harris faces scrutiny over alleged poll manipulation. The accuracy of these predictions and polls remains contentious.
Polymarket shows a near tie between Trump and Harris for the 2024 election, with crypto stances influencing the race. Trump holds a slight edge as debates approach.
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump tied at 49% in Polymarket's $541M presidential betting pool.
Avalanche Foundation shifts focus to support selected meme coins on its blockchain, aiming to foster a culture of fun and community spirit.
Per laporan dari Bankless, salah satu pendiri Terra (LUNA) Do Kwon diduga ditangkap di wilayah Podgorica, Montenegro.
Serangkaian tindakan pengaturan baru-baru ini dalam ekosistem DeFi mendapat reaksi positif dari perusahaan pemeringkat kredit Moody.
Avraham Eisenberg, pedagang crypto di balik manuver manipulasi harga Mango Markets senilai $100 juta bulan lalu, tidak dapat melakukan hal yang sama pada Aave.
Alamat yang sebagian besar dijalankan oleh pedagang manusia yang aktif telah mencapai lebih dari 147.000 alamat untuk pertama kalinya sejak November.