Enjin Completes Early Governance Snapshot, Plans Airdrop Distribution
Distribution of these rewards is anticipated within 48 hours, and users will be able to monitor the allocation progress through their Enjin wallets.

Distribution of these rewards is anticipated within 48 hours, and users will be able to monitor the allocation progress through their Enjin wallets.
本文是Arbitrum前技术大使 及 智能合约自动化审计公司Goplus Security前联合创始人罗奔奔 对Arbitrum One的技术解读。
中文圈子里涉及Layer2的文章或资料,缺乏对Arbitrum乃至OP Rollup的专业解读,本文试图通过科普Arbitrum的运转机理,填补这一领域的空缺。
The move is intended to meet the “proliferation of all of these different protocols,” Anchorage Digital’s president said.
Defi_Mochi memberi kita pandangan mendalam tentang sentimen dan pergerakan pasar dalam 24 jam pertama sejak airdrop.
Crypto dan Web3 berada pada titik belok.
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