新加坡 Token 2049 大会参会指南
2024年9月18-19日,新加坡 Token 2049 大会将如期举行。本次会议汇聚业内诸多大咖,金色财经特整理会议指南,助您安心参会。

2024年9月18-19日,新加坡 Token 2049 大会将如期举行。本次会议汇聚业内诸多大咖,金色财经特整理会议指南,助您安心参会。
Ondo Finance's ONDO token experienced a surge in value following the successful testing of Circle's USDC-to-BUIDL feature. This development highlights the growing trend of asset tokenization in the crypto industry.
2024年4月18-19日,由Bingx、M2、DWF LABS、ZEEBU、DOP、KUCOIN、CoinW、TRON、telos合作举办的TOKEN 2049 Dubai 会议即将于迪拜Madinat Jumeirah度假村盛大召开。
TOKEN2049 Dubai will take place in the Madinat Jumeirah from April 18th-19th 2024, bringing together an estimated 7,500+ attendees from across the globe
Ondo Finance, a leading tokenized securities provider, expands into the Asia-Pacific region, aiming to capture a substantial market share. Offering innovative products, the move aligns with the predicted growth in asset tokenization, emphasizing the transformative potential across various sectors.
随着熊市中高 APY 项目的不可持续,以及 DeFi 领域的 TVL 严重缩水,由 MakerDAO 引领的 RWA 叙事逐步开启,市场将目光聚集在现实世界资产中。
Explore the transformative impact of the Ondo Foundation's strategic move to unlock ONDO tokens. Dive into how this pivotal event is reshaping the DeFi landscape, enhancing liquidity, stabilizing markets, and opening new avenues for users and investors.
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