Surge in Demand for Solana's Saga New Cryptocurrency Smartphone
Introducing Solana Mobile Chapter 2, the future of Web3-integrated smartphones, blending innovative technology with a community-driven approach, set for a grand launch in 2025

Introducing Solana Mobile Chapter 2, the future of Web3-integrated smartphones, blending innovative technology with a community-driven approach, set for a grand launch in 2025
Dive into the unveiling of Solana Labs' Saga "Chapter 2" smartphone. Explore its integration of crypto wallet, bespoke Android software, and the revolutionary dApp store, as it navigates the intricate nexus of mobile technology and the cryptocurrency market.
Saga, a gaming-centric crypto tech firm preparing to launch its mainnet, revealed eligibility criteria for the impending public airdrop of its SAGA token. Co-founder Jin Kwon detailed plans for the airdrop, focusing on both current eligibility and upcoming opportunities.
Solana Saga faces order cancellations and supply issues amid a surge in demand driven by the inclusion of BONK tokens.
Perusahaan di balik pengembangan blockchain, Solana Labs mengumumkan peluncuran ponselnya yang telah lama ditunggu-tunggu, Saga.
Raj Gokal, chief operating officer Solana Labs, membahas apa arti Penggabungan bagi Ethereum dan bagaimana ponsel perusahaannya akan dibandingkan dengan iPhone 14.
Ada perbandingan proyek dengan Apple dan Ethereum, kekhawatiran tentang pemadaman jaringan, dan reaksi komunitas terhadap handset Web3 baru Solana.
Mulai dari membandingkan proyek dengan Apple dan Ethereum hingga memunculkan pemadaman jaringan, komunitas bereaksi terhadap telepon Web3 baru dari Solana.