金色Web3.0日报 | 三箭资本是WLD最大头寸持有者之一

Aether Games secures a game-changing $300,000 sales financing deal through Avalaunch, marking a transformative step in Web3 gaming. This strategic move, coupled with earlier endorsements, positions Aether Games at the forefront of a gaming revolution, promising innovative experiences and reshaping the industry's future.
Web3 开发人员正面临缺乏集成构建所需的技术、应用程序和 API 的通用标准的困扰。
Explore the gripping tale of a father-son duo's descent into the dark web, leading a notorious 'Xanaxman' Bitcoin laundering operation. Discover how law enforcement untangled this complex web of cybercrime.
2023 年因黑客攻击而损失的加密资产价值下降了 50% 以上,降至 17 亿美元。坏消息是:这仍然是一个非常大的数字,攻击的频率(160 次重大黑客攻击)与 2022 年大致相同。
Phoenix Group PLC invests in Lyvely, marking a strategic move in Web3 and digital economy innovation.
Akankah cryptocurrency dan Web 3 mengabadikan kesenjangan kekayaan, atau dapatkah itu menyamakan kedudukan?