重质押热潮:Solayer、Picasso 与 Jito 的对比分析
Solayer 专注于增强网络安全性和收益多样化,Picasso 通过跨链互操作性打破生态壁垒,而 Jito 则凭借其在 Solana 网络中的领先地位,正在开拓更高效的重质押解决方案。

Solayer 专注于增强网络安全性和收益多样化,Picasso 通过跨链互操作性打破生态壁垒,而 Jito 则凭借其在 Solana 网络中的领先地位,正在开拓更高效的重质押解决方案。
为什么 Binance Labs 会投资 Solayer?
Recently, Nvidia has set its sights on revolutionizing healthcare. However, a recent 10% decline in Nvidia's share price over the past week has sparked speculation: Is Nvidia overreaching with its healthcare ambitions?
As BTCFi continues to develop, the cross-chain yield protocol Solv Protocol is rapidly emerging. Besides securing investment from Binance, its TVL has increased by 40% in the past month, now ranking as the 27th largest protocol. Solv Protocol allows users to stake Bitcoin to obtain liquidity yield tokens SolvBTC and earn project points. What other interactive methods are included in the Solv ecosystem?
Etherscan acquires Solscan.io, expanding its blockchain data services to include the Solana network.
AstraZeneca memelopori revolusi perawatan kesehatan, meluncurkan Evinova untuk mempercepat uji klinis dan mengintegrasikan solusi digital di era baru kemajuan medis.
Solv Foundation memperkenalkan Project DESFT di Singapore FinTech Festival 2023, berkolaborasi dengan MAS dan Bank of Ghana untuk menciptakan platform kredensial digital berbasis blockchain untuk keuangan inklusif di negara-negara berkembang.