
AI x Crypto 叙事正在热火朝天,而 TAO 正处于领先地位。
据美国纽约南区检察官办公室称,41 岁的卡莫纳和他的公司通过虚假承诺从加密货币挖矿和交易中获得巨大收益来欺骗投资者。
The U.S. Department of Justice predicts that two men will be sentenced for allegedly pricing securities and plotting to defraud investors in the purchase of Hydrogen Technologies’ cryptocurrency HYDRO, in a federal criminal trial in which a jury determined for the first time that a cryptocurrency is a Securities, and cryptocurrency prices are deceptions of securities.
Bitsonic executives were sentenced for stealing $7.5 million, highlighting the need for stricter crypto market regulation and investor vigilance.
本文将探讨 SBF的判决对行业内其他关键人物的潜在影响,揭示加密货币领导层不断变化的格局。
Pertukaran utama Afrika Selatan menyambut baik rencana bank sentral untuk mengatur cryptocurrency sebagai aset keuangan.