ETC 以太坊经典是什么? ETC币未来趋势如何?
ETC,全称“Ethereum Classic”,中文可翻译为“以太经典”,是一个开源的区块链平台,可用于编写由智能合约( Smart contract )运行与驱动的去中心应用程序(DApp)。

ETC,全称“Ethereum Classic”,中文可翻译为“以太经典”,是一个开源的区块链平台,可用于编写由智能合约( Smart contract )运行与驱动的去中心应用程序(DApp)。
AOVM 是一个基于 @aoTheComputer 构建的 AI 层协议,将 AO 的超并行与 AI 大型模型相结合。
依托 Farcaster 和 Base 生态热度,Degen 如何蜕变?
Dencun 包含 9 个 EIP,增强了从安全性到质押体验的各个方面。
Elliot Management's $1 billion investment in Match Group has prompted a 15% surge in shares. This activist move aims to reshape the company's financial landscape. Match Group, struggling with declining Tinder payers, now navigates discussions with Elliot about future steps. Despite challenges, analysts project a 24.4% potential upside. While the activist investor's track record is promising, Match Group's recovery journey requires careful navigation.
As a product of its times, Dogecoin has its own set of problems. DogeLayer is here to fix just that.
BNB Chain TOP Gamefi project ERA7 berencana mengadakan "ERA7 Charity Showdown" pada 25 November pukul 12:00 UTC.
Terlahir dari kekaguman pada kucingnya Molly, Amelia yang berusia 9 tahun meluncurkan koleksi NFT-nya sendiri, Ami's Cats tahun lalu, mengumpulkan lebih dari $2.000 untuk amal yang mendukung kesejahteraan hewan dan pengungsi anak Ukraina.