坎昆升级降低DA手续费只是辅助原因,真实原因是Starknet发币后国库有了其他收入来源,不必再依赖于手续费创收,所以大幅度下调了L2 Gas Price基准。

坎昆升级降低DA手续费只是辅助原因,真实原因是Starknet发币后国库有了其他收入来源,不必再依赖于手续费创收,所以大幅度下调了L2 Gas Price基准。
本文将概述 Starknet 路线图,以及旨在进一步提升 Starknet 扩展能力的主要性能升级和费用降低计划。
Starknet 是一个零知识 (zk) Rollup。
Starknet faced criticism over its STRK token airdrop and unlock schedule, adjusted the release to ease community concerns, leading to a positive market reaction and price recovery.
Starknet 代币空投的细节以及 Starknet 生态中有什么潜在机会。
如果 Starknet 的 Token 经济学奏效,势必会推动 zkSync、Scroll、Linea 等 ZK 系项目的 Token 发行相继落地。
Explore the strategic transition of Argent from zkSync Era to Starknet, delving into the timeline of changes, the impact on users, and the unwavering commitment to security. Learn proactive steps to navigate this transformative phase and ensure a smooth asset transfer with our comprehensive guide
Discover the key details of Starknet's upcoming stress test on the Goerli testnet, scheduled for January 30th. Learn about the potential impact on transaction times and networks unaffected by the test, ensuring you're fully prepared