DA 赛道拆解 -- Celestia 与 EigenDA 对比研究
在未来,Celestia 能够享受到模块化 + 应用链双重趋势浪潮带来的增量市场的增益,EigenDA 则会吃到更多对安全性要求更高的以太坊系存量市场。

在未来,Celestia 能够享受到模块化 + 应用链双重趋势浪潮带来的增量市场的增益,EigenDA 则会吃到更多对安全性要求更高的以太坊系存量市场。
Celestia 是一个数据可用性 (DA) 区块链,旨在作为L2 Rollup发布交易数据的经济且高效的中心。
尽管 Layer2 定义存在争议,以太坊升级仍专注于 Rollup,其中 DA 是关键。
ETH,Layer 2,Celestia,为什么Celestia入侵以太坊layer2的终局会是“双赢”? 金色财经,本质上这是layer2市场高度模块化的必然
Celestia (TIA) emerges as a force to be reckoned with, showcasing a remarkable 10-fold surge post-airdrop and solidifying its position as a pivotal player in the blockchain innovation and decentralized ecosystem narrative. However, potential investors are reminded to exercise caution in the volatile altcoin market.
Celestia Ecosystem emerges as a key player in blockchain innovation, offering diverse ÐApps and potential airdrops
The Celestia Inscription Project CIAS faced an RPC failure due to high traffic but is committed to recovery and user experience improvement, notifying users 12 hours in advance.