Update On Cryptocurrency Accounting Policy SAB 121: Decision Pending From President
Berita lainnya tentang sab121 veto
- 거부권 무효화에 실패한 SAB 121의 SEC 허점BullishKasar
- 美国众议院未能推翻拜登对SAB 121的否决BullishKasar
- 미 하원, ‘SAB 121 폐지 결의안’ 투표 연기BullishKasar
- 미 하원, 다음주 ‘SAB 121 폐지 결의안’ 재심의BullishKasar
- Pantera Capital分析师:拜登否决SAB 121法案为无奈之举BullishKasar
- 美SEC委员Mark Uyeda主张撤销SAB 121BullishKasar
- 外媒:美国众议院拨款预算旨在阻止SEC实施SAB 121BullishKasar
- バイデン大統領、SAB121を無効とする決議案に拒否権を発動へBullishKasar
Berita lainnya tentang sab121 veto
US lawmakers failed to overturn SAB121 bill, vetoed by Biden
WenJunReversed Fortunes: SAB121's Demise Initiates Crypto Policy Reform
In recent times, the Senate has voted to overturn the SEC’s Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121—also known as SAB121. Following this, the Biden administration has vowed that he would veto this bill if it were passed. So what is all this fight about, and what is the big hoo-ha behind this bill?
XingChi拜登否决SAB 121法案:不会支持危害消费者的举措
JinseFinanceLawmakers Urge Biden to Reconsider SAB 121 Repeal Veto
Bipartisan lawmakers urge Biden to reconsider veto on SAB 121 repeal, citing concerns over crypto regulation and market stability.
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JinseFinanceBiden Might Reconsider SAB 121 Vote Veto Amid Political Support for Cryptocurrency
Senate's bipartisan approval of H.J.Res. 109 challenges SEC's SAB 121, pushing President Biden to decide amidst political and industry pressures.
WeiliangHouse Votes to Nullify SEC's Anti-Crypto Banking Guidance SAB 121
House passes bipartisan bill to challenge SEC's crypto guidance, faces potential veto from President Biden.
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