本报告深入分析了 Coinbase 当前的财务状况及其第 2 层区块链 Base 的性能指标。

本报告深入分析了 Coinbase 当前的财务状况及其第 2 层区块链 Base 的性能指标。
短短两个月内,Usual 的 TVL 已达到 2.25 亿美元,跻身前 15 名稳定币。
Coinbase has filed a lawsuit to compel the SEC and its Chairman Gary Gensler to disclose key documents vital for its defense in an ongoing legal battle. This move underscores the critical nature of internal SEC communications in determining the application of federal securities laws to cryptocurrencies.
虽然 Base 上的 meme 币已成为 2024 年的主要趋势之一,但值得理解的是,投资它们与高风险相关。
Coinbase lists KARRAT altcoin on Ethereum network, with trading to commence upon meeting liquidity conditions. Users cautioned about potential scams and high volatility. Despite risks, Coinbase's move highlights commitment to diverse asset offerings.
Coinbase's latest addition of Bonk to its listing roadmap has influenced a surge in the Memecoin's price. However, caution is advised, as inclusion in the roadmap doesn't guarantee listing, and Bonk's market performance is subject to the volatile nature of the crypto market.
Pandangan mendalam tentang NFT dan DAO, dan bagaimana keduanya dapat saling menguntungkan.
Selami lebih dalam dunia token nonfungible dan organisasi otonom terdesentralisasi, dan bagaimana mereka dapat saling menguntungkan.