According to Odaily, over the past month and a half, a multisig address marked as belonging to Maker has continued to sell 13,138 MKR tokens, equivalent to $37.95 million, through Wintermute. Since March 18, this address has sold a total of 19,743 MKR tokens, worth approximately $59.77 million, at an average price of about $3,027, over a period of 75 days.
The MKR price trend shows that the selling began when MKR was on the rise, around $3,266 on March 18, and has continued since then, with the MKR price peaking and then retreating. The address still holds 11,228 MKR tokens, worth about $30.35 million. At the current rate of selling, it is estimated that it will take another month and a half to sell all the remaining tokens.