According to Odaily, Dev3Map announced on platform X that as of June 6, 2024, the top ten projects with the most weekly GitHub contributors in the Cosmos ecosystem are: 1. @babylon_chain; 2. @axelarnetwork; 3. @osmosiszone; 4. @_gnoland; 5. @anoma; 6. @SeiNetwork; 7. @agoric; 8. @lavanetxyz; 9. @cyber_devs; 10. @EvmosOrg.
These projects have shown significant activity and engagement within the Cosmos ecosystem, attracting a large number of contributors on a weekly basis. The data provided by Dev3Map offers a snapshot of the most active projects in the Cosmos ecosystem, highlighting the ongoing development and innovation in this space.
It's important to note that the number of weekly contributors is a key indicator of a project's vitality and community engagement. The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is to be robust, dynamic, and innovative. The list provided by Dev3Map serves as a useful reference for those interested in the Cosmos ecosystem and its most active projects.