Roaring Kitty Nears Billionaire Status with GameStop Gains
Keith Gill, "Roaring Kitty," nears billionaire status as his GameStop investment soars over $300M amid a 74% pre-market surge.

Keith Gill, "Roaring Kitty," nears billionaire status as his GameStop investment soars over $300M amid a 74% pre-market surge.
Keith Gill,Meme,GameStop,GameStop重出江湖 Meme币市场又迎来新的话题和叙事? 金色财经,Meme币的阶段性波动是否暗指市场的变盘将至?
与 2021 年周期相似,GameStop 的利润可能会流入山寨币,从而催化 2024 年山寨币季节的开端。 历史会重演吗?
Meme stock frenzy returns with Roaring Kitty's resurgence, but sustainability questioned amid sporadic social media presence. GameStop and AMC surge, but doubts linger without sustained engagement.
Gamestop has announced the closure of its NFT marketplace on February 2, 2024, citing ongoing regulatory uncertainty in the crypto space. This decision follows the company's earlier abandonment of the Gamestop wallet project and reflects challenges in its traditional retail sector.
Explore the reasons behind GameStop's decision to shut down its NFT marketplace and exit the crypto gaming industry. Understand the impact on GameStop and the broader digital asset market, and what the future holds for both.
Perusahaan investasi NFT dan Metaverse berencana untuk terus membangun ekosistem REVV Motorsport dengan pendekatan Metaverse-first.