Moonshot or Moonshine? Michael Novogratz Biggest Crypto Wins and Most Epic Fails
The tattoo... was it a "LUNA-tic" decision?

The tattoo... was it a "LUNA-tic" decision?
Telegram has become a breeding ground for criminal activity. As Durov pushes forward for the sake of privacy and decentralization, what will the world become of?
Michael Saylor predicts SEC will label Ethereum as a security, impacting ETF applications and other major cryptocurrencies’ classification and market acceptance.
Michael Saylor strategically sells MicroStrategy stock, netting $372.7M amidst 80% surge. Actions part of pre-arranged plan, not indicative of confidence. Move coincides with company's valuation rise. Saylor anticipates Bitcoin halving event, remains optimistic about MicroStrategy's future as leveraged Bitcoin investment.
Durov predicts rise in secure communication hardware, stresses privacy amid surveillance. Telegram's independence affirmed; growth to one billion users projected. Durov reveals significant crypto holdings, highlighting faith in digital assets.
MicroStrategy Chairman Michael Saylor asserts Bitcoin's superiority over gold amidst surge in gold prices. With over 214,246 Bitcoin amassed, Saylor reaffirms bullish stance. Bitcoin's outperformance and upcoming options contract expiry contribute to market volatility.
Michael Saylor's shift from Bitcoin skeptic to advocate contrasts with SEC Chair Gensler's anti-crypto stance, exploring changing perspectives in crypto.
Calon mantan CEO itu mengatakan membagi peran kepala eksekutif dan ketua MicroStrategy akan membantu perusahaan mengejar strateginya untuk "memperoleh dan menahan Bitcoin."
CEO MicroStrategy berpendapat bahwa ETH adalah keamanan karena dikeluarkan melalui ICO dan jaringannya telah mengalami banyak perubahan mendasar selama bertahun-tahun.