
Discover the zkLink Explorer whitelist and join the exclusive community token sale. Seize the opportunity to participate in the sale of 31.25M ZKL tokens, a key milestone in zkLink's ecosystem expansion
Join the pivotal moment in blockchain innovation with L1 Blockchain Nibiru’s community sale of NIBI tokens on CoinList. Discover the details of the sale, including token supply, pricing, and unlocking schedule. Don't miss out on your chance to be part of Nibiru's journey towards redefining the crypto space.
CoinList's launch of the Subsquid (SQD) community sale represents a significant step in decentralized data solutions, offering an intriguing investment opportunity in the blockchain space.
3.6 million, or 6% of the total supply of 60 million BCUT tokens will be offered at a rate of 0.055 USDT per token.
Sotheby akan menjual NFT tengara Dmitri Cherniak di lelang langsung bulan ini, sementara Mercedes Benz merilis 'Maschine' dan Nike bekerja sama dengan EA Sports.
Selain gugatan CFTC, Pengadilan Distrik AS telah menghentikan penjualan Voyager Digital.
Di Cardano Blockchain, ADA Demon adalah lingkungan berbasis metaverse play-to-earn pertama yang mendalam. Proyek ADA Demon mencoba mengimplementasikan ...