首个基于VM执行层做抽象架构的项目LumioFDN 宣布正式接入Solana,成了继Eclipse之后又一个架于Solana之上的项目。

首个基于VM执行层做抽象架构的项目LumioFDN 宣布正式接入Solana,成了继Eclipse之后又一个架于Solana之上的项目。
Eclipse:第一个结合以太坊安全性、Solana 高性能和 Celestia DA Narratives 的 SVM Layer2。
Trader Banana Gun strategically profits $6.77M from SatoshiVM's token launch, raising ethical concerns. Galaxy Fox's $GFOX ICO stands out as a top investment prospect in 2024, predicted to surge by 100x.
A trader's shrewd tactics during the SAVM token launch resulted in a substantial profit of $6.77 million. This highlights the influence of strategic approaches in the dynamic crypto market.
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Eclipse adalah proyek dalam program Modular Fellows Celestia, dan kami telah menghabiskan beberapa bulan untuk mengulangi desain Eclipse dengan Celestia.