
BTC 资产发射叙事的已经告一段落,memecoin永远都可以玩,但并不是 BTC生态的最终形态,BTC资产生息的叙事即将在接下来成为主流。
BTC Staking 可能是下半年的重要叙事,也是打开 BTC 生态格局的重要机会。
回顾这一路的旅程,对于一个自下而上发起的 DAO,与其说说叙事是一个”告诉别人我们是谁“的结果,更应该是探究”我们是谁“的过程。
The collaboration between Artemis and Injective brings promising implications for the crypto community, providing users with enhanced analytics and empowering them to navigate the evolving landscape.
Injective (INJ) introduces gas compression, aiming to revolutionize transaction costs with almost zero fees. This development could reshape the landscape of crypto transactions, providing users with cost-effective options. Despite a temporary decline in INJ's value, it shows signs of recovery.
Despite a mixed analysis of market indicators and the potential for a bullish pattern, the impending complete token unlock stands as a crucial factor influencing INJ's trajectory. While social metrics lean towards positive sentiment, market indicators depict a cautious outlook, signaling a potential price decline or consolidation in the short term. Investors are advised to closely monitor market developments around the unlocking event for a clearer perspective on INJ's future price movement.
DeFi researcher Thor Hartvigsen questions Injective Protocol's high valuation, contrasting its modest on-chain metrics with competitors, despite its impressive market performance.
Menurut proposal, Injective Chain akan menghentikan biner aplikasi Injective Chain pada ketinggian blok 614200 (sekitar pukul 14:00 UTC pada 11 April) dan memulai biner aplikasi Injective Chain yang baru.