金色Web3.0日报 | 哈里斯支持加密监管框架

副总统表示她将鼓励“创新技术”;Cipriani Wall Street 场地的筹款活动筹集了 2700 万美元。
35 岁的联邦贸易委员会主席惹恼了华尔街交易员,金融捐助者认为 Gensler 对他们不屑一顾。
2024 U.S. presidential race sees crypto policy in focus as Harris and Trump court 40M industry users.
Biden campaign pivots, engages crypto industry for policy insights. Response to Trump's crypto support, aiming to appeal to crypto voters.
Coinbase's Stand with Crypto reveals a bipartisan divide among U.S. senators, with 18 supporting crypto and 30 opposing. Notable figures, including Trump and Kennedy, show varying perspectives, while Elizabeth Warren champions anti-crypto measures.
Russia announces plans for a significant expansion of the BRICS alliance, inducting five new countries.
Authorities are reportedly looking at $24 million worth of political donations made by Ryan Salame while at the collapsed exchange.
Hantu inflasi tertinggi sejak 1981 membuat pedagang menetapkan harga tiga kali kenaikan suku bunga 0,5% lagi pada bulan Oktober.