
TRON's Dave Uhryniak highlights the cultural and artistic impact of memecoins at Korea Blockchain Week, introducing SunPump as a new platform for creating and trading meme coins.
China's e-CNY Research Institute, launched in Suzhou, aims to drive the sustainable growth of the digital yuan through industry collaboration and expert-led innovation.
Tron Foundation challenges SEC lawsuit over jurisdictional reach, arguing against the application of U.S. regulations to offshore transactions. Meanwhile, competitors like Solana and BNB Chain are rapidly closing the TVL gap, posing formidable challenges. This legal battle highlights the intricate jurisdictional issues in the global crypto market, with implications for regulatory oversight and international transactions.
Baru-baru ini, HSBC China, Hang Seng China, Standard Chartered China, dan Fubon Bank China menjadi kelompok bank asing pertama yang mengumumkan akses mereka ke platform interoperabilitas e-CNY.
Pengujian ini merupakan bagian dari Project Mbridge, jaringan CBDC yang sedang diuji oleh HKMA dengan People's Bank of China.
Lebih dari 4.567.000 pedagang di seluruh negeri sekarang menerima e-CNY sebagai pembayaran.
Jenewa, Swiss / 1 Juni / – TRON merayakan rekor bulan Mei, mencapai beberapa tonggak besar dalam ...