Devcon 参会感受:「无限花园」的具象化
以太坊可能不是一个奖励勇敢者的生态,但是真正有价值的东西最终都会 pay off

以太坊可能不是一个奖励勇敢者的生态,但是真正有价值的东西最终都会 pay off
以太坊的创新力依然处于前沿,其他的链似乎都在大同小异地「复刻」着它的路,即使是 meme 现象
Devcon 2024上,不少以太坊生态项目都在此期间选择公布最新成果或者项目进展。PANews就Devcon 2024期间的主要项目进展进行了汇总。
Rooch Network Co-Founder robbed just one hour after arriving in Bangkok for the Devcon.
An attendee was robbed at knifepoint by two assailants in Bangkok just days before the Devcon 7 conference. Although he escaped without physical harm, the incident has raised safety concerns within the crypto community.
The Arbitrum Foundation is focusing on Asia’s blockchain potential with its “Road to Devcon” initiative. Key events in Vietnam and Indonesia, alongside developer campaigns and partnerships, aim to strengthen the region’s blockchain ecosystem.
Contango is the first non-custodial DeFi market to offer expirables, a new derivative that allows traders to buy or sell assets at a specific date and price in the future. But what is unique about Contango is that it allows traders to take exportable positions without order books or liquidity pools.
Keuntungan bisa jauh lebih sulit ditemukan di pasar crypto saat ini. Itu karena kita dalam beruang penuh ...