AgentFi 能否消除 Crypto x AI 幻觉?
Web3 与 AI 技术的结合可以发挥出巨大的潜力,无论是在金融(DeFi)、安全、用户体验、内容创作或治理等领域。

Web3 与 AI 技术的结合可以发挥出巨大的潜力,无论是在金融(DeFi)、安全、用户体验、内容创作或治理等领域。
BRICS nations have announced the launch of an autonomous payment system utilizing cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, aiming to challenge traditional financial frameworks and enhance financial sovereignty. This initiative signifies a shift towards decentralization, offering advantages such as faster transactions and reduced costs, while also fostering innovation and cooperation among member nations.
自从 2023 年 GPT-4 的横空出世,这种 AI + Crypto 的热潮再起,以 WorldCoin 发币为代表,人类似乎要进入一个 AI 负责生产力,Crypto 负责分配的乌托邦时代。
As part of this migration, Crypto Unicorns users can expect all transactions associated with the platform to be free, leveraging the already cost-effective gas on the XAI network.
Cryptocurrency's daily highlights include Matrixport's leaked ETF report, Saylor's sell-off strategy, Fidelity and Galaxy's ETF fee announcements, and crypto's dynamic landscape.
Coinbase has introduced a new feature that allows USD transfers in Singapore through the SWIFT network, improving the process of converting between traditional currency and cryptocurrency.
Uji coba ini melibatkan transfer dan swap real-time USDC dan EURS sintetis ke dompet yang dimiliki oleh Deutsche Bank.
Pasar cryptocurrency telah menghadapi pertumpahan darah kedua tanpa celah untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah, mengganggu ...