Cathie Wood将支持特朗普 拜登重聘其前加密货币顾问

凯茜·伍德被广泛认为是该行业最杰出的人物之一。她是美国著名的投资者,也是 Ark Investment Management 的创始人、首席执行官兼首席投资官。伍德凭借其创新的方法和前瞻性的战略在金融行业中脱颖而出。
Cathie Wood is widely regarded as one of the most prominent figures in the industry. She is a well-known American investor and founder, CEO and chief investment officer of Ark Investment Management. Wood has distinguished herself in the financial industry with her innovative approach and forward-thinking strategies.
Wood 表示,ARK Invest 现在认为之前设定的 2030 年 100 万美元的牛市目标过于保守。
Cathie Wood's bullish outlook on Bitcoin and the Ark 21Shares Bitcoin ETF remains steadfast, projecting a $1.5 million price target and anticipating substantial institutional inflows. However, she challenges the SEC's cautionary stance on Bitcoin-related ETFs, characterizing it as old DNA dismissing the new in the realm of disruptive innovation.
Cathie Wood's optimistic outlook on Bitcoin's future, post-ETF approval, contrasts market speculations. Her insights revolve around increased institutional participation, potential asset substitution, and Bitcoin's scarcity, projecting a bullish trajectory for the cryptocurrency.
CEO Ark Invest Cathie Wood memperpanjang surat terbuka kepada The Fed pada hari Senin, mendesak mereka untuk menghentikan kenaikan suku bunga.
Perusahaan investasi Cathie Wood ARK Investment Management adalah pemegang saham terbesar ketiga Coinbase, dilaporkan memegang hampir $9 juta pada akhir Juni.
SEC A.S. menolak aplikasi untuk ARK 21Shares Bitcoin ETF pada awal April dan sejauh ini belum menyetujui tempat ETF Bitcoin.
Wood percaya bahwa Venmo hanyalah pengikut Cash App, yang telah menghasilkan pendapatan Venmo lebih dari dua kali lipat dari hampir setengah jumlah pengguna.