BTC生态大撕逼 Casey对峙Rocktoshi
JinseFinanceArgentina requires crypto exchanges to apply for operating permits, enhancing regulatory oversight and aligning with international standards against financial crimes.
DanteOKX launches in Argentina's active crypto market with localized exchange, P2P platform, and Spanish support. President Hong Fang highlights safety with monthly Proof-of-Reserves reports.
Xu LinArgentina's new law aims to regulate undeclared cryptocurrencies, reflecting a shift in policy and embracing digital assets within its economic framework.
KikyoArgentina officially allows Bitcoin for legal contracts amidst high inflation, potentially paving the way for broader crypto adoption.
AlexArgentina's bold devaluation move reflects the urgency to address economic challenges, impacting citizens and drawing attention from the crypto community.
Huang BoJavier Milei menjabat sebagai presiden Argentina, menjanjikan reformasi ekonomi radikal di tengah krisis yang parah, yang mencerminkan harapan bangsa akan pendekatan libertarian yang transformatif.
YouQuanPengumuman ini merupakan bagian dari perubahan kepemimpinan yang lebih luas, dengan ekonom Osvaldo Giordano mengepalai ANSES dan insinyur Horacio Marín yang akan memimpin YPF mulai tanggal 10 Desember.
DavinKetika datang ke cryptocurrency, negara Amerika Selatan Argentina dari adopsi crypto hingga peraturan, memiliki daftar panjang ...