What would happen if Kamala Harris picked Gary Gensler as SEC chair?
Kamala Harris's potential appointment of Gary Gensler as SEC Chair could lead to stricter crypto regulations and significant industry challenges.

Kamala Harris's potential appointment of Gary Gensler as SEC Chair could lead to stricter crypto regulations and significant industry challenges.
While the rumor about Gary Gensler’s potential nomination is intriguing, its credibility remains in question. The absence of verified sources and the background of the reporting outlet warrant caution. As the election approaches, the interplay of media narratives and political strategy will continue to influence the discourse around cryptocurrency regulation and policy.
美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普在纳什维尔比特币2024大会舞台发表了一场激动人心的演讲之后,现任美国证券交易委员会主席Gary Gensler可能要开始准备投简历了。
美国证券交易委员会主席在预算听证会上告诉参议员,运行以太坊现货 ETF 的申请应该在今年夏天完成。
Is Gary Gensler truly acting in the best interests of investors, or is there a more sinister force at play?
SEC's disclosure raises doubts on Ethereum's regulatory status, sparking a legal battle with ConsenSys. Gensler's stance suggests ETH may be an unregistered security, signaling a shift in regulatory interpretation.
Tidak asing dengan kontroversi dan perdebatan, Ketua SEC Gary Gensler mendapati dirinya berada dalam posisi yang agak tidak nyaman ketika dihadapkan dengan pertanyaan tentang gugatan Ripple XRP.
Dengan kemenangan Grayscale, sorotan sekarang beralih ke SEC AS. Akankah badan ini memilih untuk mengkalibrasi ulang pendekatannya atau bertahan dalam upayanya?
Pada Senin pagi, jurnalis menghubungi SEC untuk klarifikasi, hanya untuk mengetahui bahwa berita tersebut memang palsu.
Ketua SEC AS dilaporkan mengatakan bahwa tindakan keras terhadap industri crypto akan segera terjadi setelah keruntuhan profil tinggi FTX.